Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tree Work

We had six very large Eastern White Pines on the property ranging in age from 60 to 100 years old. One was a scrappy pasture pine with no real usable logs in it, but the others generated a number of logs suitable for the sawmill.

I had my brother in law - Ed Pike of Ed Pike's tree service drop all the trees for me, and chip up all the smaller stuff. We used the chips to mulch the hill that had been regraded, and cover some of the other exposed gravel and dirt around the building site to cut down the mud.

Ed dropping one of the pines in a cluster.

Ed topping some of the remaining trees before dropping them. We chipped this stuff straight onto the bank we had regraded. 

 Susan's nephew Blake tackling the big, 104 year old pine.

Break time after dropping that bad boy.

30 logs ready for me to bring up the saw mill.

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