Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sawmill Time

I had a stack of 30 or so logs to turn into timbers for the barn.

Setting up one of the larger diameter logs before we milled it.

Milling that log into a number of 4" x 4" studs. We got over 20 out of this one log, and a few real 2" x 4" studs, not the store 1 5/8" x 3 1/2" stuff.

Milling a small maple log into an 8"x 8" post.

Final stack of lumber after all but the two largest logs.  I estimated over 5600 board feet of timbers and boards out of those logs. The last two logs are over 800 BF each. To the upper left is a stack of 4" x 4" posts for the studs, then three stacks of 1" pine boards, then a stack of 6" x 6" timbers for the rafters, then to the front is a stack of 8" x 8" timbers for the sills and posts. To the left behind the wall is a stack of 2" x 10" boards for stair treads and a stack of more 4" x 4" posts and some 4" x 8" floor joists.

The mill all packed up for the day, with the two monster logs behind it. The front log is 20' long, and 38" diameter at the big end, and the back log is 15' long and 44" at the butt end. Both need to be reduced under 36" to fit on the mill. 

The slabwood pile I need to turn into firewood, or as a friend says, a burn permit, a little kerosene and a match and problem solved.

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