Saturday, June 18, 2016

Got Roof Closed

This week I worked on closing up the roof before my trip to Africa. The trick was keeping enough spare boards on the floor to keep a catwalk while having enough material to close the roof.

I started last week putting all the boards up on the east side without regard for the synthetic paper I was putting over it, which meant a trip out on the 8 over 12 pitch roof 20+ feet in the air to put down the paper. For the West side I got smart and put the paper down as I went in 2' sections - nail the base of the paper down, then put on another 24" of boards and nail the center of the paper, then put on another 24" and lap the next strip of paper over the last strip. Much safer process.

Starting laying the paper on the east side of the building.

Working the paper across the east  side of the building.

Closing up the roof on the west side, and lapping the paper over the peak. The fun was asking Susan to come up to the attic and kick the ladder out from under me so I could close the last 16' of opening and finish laying down the paper. 

Underside of the finished roof. Eventually the floor boards in the attic will go away, after I have the gable studs and walls all in place. 

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